Monday, May 30, 2011

Just Before Bed

The river formed, from the Himalayan north,
heads south towards Delhi; the polluted and populated fork
where tribals pull, and others bathe,
but through no pleasure will the rivers be saved.

Where rain fell, cooled and froze,
It's now neglected and pulled in loads.
Its shores have sunk and its quality reduced,
and taken to areas to be introduced.

The answer is personal and completely ours,
not for the government to flex its powers.
Natural ecology is left at bay,
while those who understand have no say.

Is waste the real issue that creates the stink?
Or is it inherent in the way we think.
For the river is alive, sleeps and breathes,
and humans can control when the river leaves.

Will the river exist when our generation passes,
or will future eyes be jaded with toxic gases.
Gases from waste that historically were not so,
instead it was used to make life grow.

From the earth of the garden,
to our plants and our mouths,
organic waste was never blamed for drought.

Thinking of solutions that are biotic in essence,
are as simple as life in its most simple presence.

- Mr. Johnson

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